Competencies and personalities of team members affect
the performance of business teams, and size of the team is important. Careful team
member assessment and selection should take place when assigning team members
to project teams. Consider these three team member selection recommendations
prior to forming your next project or launch team:
#1. Team member competency
trumps availability
Team member selection is a vital component of
effective team formation. Many times
team members are quickly assigned to a team based on availability or professional
relationships. Conduct an assessment of
the team member competencies needed for superior team results. Competency
rather than availability should be the criterion used for team member selection.
#2. Keep teams as small as
The team should be comprised of the smallest number
of team members needed to complete the team objectives. This is often the first critical mistake a
leader makes during team member selection.
Each member added to a project team should have a specific team
purpose. Input from operators in the
field or functional department managers may be necessary for successful project
results, but these individuals do not necessarily need to be added to the
project team.
#3. Select energetic and
supportive personalities
Leaders should be concerned about the morale and
emotional characteristics of team members.
If a team member is negative, demanding, or rude, you are
putting your team outcomes at risk. Team members who are disruptive can quickly
derail a team and at times the team spins out of control. Teams need members who
are resourceful and positive with a can-do attitude. Select team members who are willing,
supportive, and energetic.
The process of team member selection warrants
leadership discussion and compromise.
A clearly defined process of team member selection will lead to more
effective team outcomes.
WorldWideTeams Consulting provides multi-location expansion and business solutions for profitability. Contact Bett Mickels at